With its three previous editions, Brave Actions for a Better World Grant has turned bold ideas into concrete actions, providing real support to nonprofit organizations fighting against exclusion and discrimination every day. This grant is not just an initiative, it's a challenge for nonprofits that work on the ground to break down the barriers of social exclusion and give a real push to those fighting for a better future. Every initiative supported has focused not only on social and economic inclusion but also on tackling the root causes of inequality and responding to urgent needs.
Empowering Women and Youth and the Creation of Solidarity Stores

With the third edition of Brave Actions for a Better World, OTB Foundation launched two grants, allocating €300,000 to national and international projects. The focus was on empowering women and youth and the creation of Solidarity Stores, supporting nonprofit organizations working to improve the future of the most disadvantaged groups and reduce discrimination and marginalization.

The Empowerment of Women and Youth Grant was awarded to:
  • Fondazione Agostiniani nel Mondo
  • Bambini del Madagascar Tonga Soa
The Solidarity Stores Grant was awarded to:
  • Emporio Solidale il Sole Reno Lavino Samoggia Onlus
  • Ente Viterbo con Amore ODV
COVID-19 Emergency

With the second edition of the Brave Actions For a Better World grant, the Foundation aimed to support Italian nonprofits, particularly those in the Third Sector working for a future free from poverty, with broad access to decent work, healthcare, and education for all, while preserving the environment we live in. The pandemic hit all economic sectors hard and made those who were already marginalized and disadvantaged due to social, economic, and health reasons even poorer and more excluded. The call, open to all nonprofit organizations legally based in Italy, rewarded those able to respond to both old (issues they have always dealt with) and new needs.

The grant was open to those organizations that, despite the challenges posed by COVID-19, and in light of it, are finding ways to meet social needs and react to the difficult context, while continuing to support the country.

The winners, selected from about 700 applicants, were:
  • Terre des Hommes Italia Onlus with the project "SpesaSospesa"
  • ItaliaHello with the project "Job Clinic Online"
Inclusion of Minors and Communities

The first grant launched by the Foundation in 2018 to celebrate its tenth anniversary. In the first edition of the Brave Actions For a Better World grant, OTB Foundation allocated a total of €200,000 in grants to organizations working to address highly relevant social issues. The goal was to support initiatives that promote social inclusion through unconventional, out-of-the-box activities. The focus on current issues requiring urgent and targeted interventions, both internationally and locally, along with particular attention to minors and youth, led the foundation to choose this theme and the two areas of intervention for the grant.

Nonprofit organizations based in Italy, implementing inclusion projects abroad in one of the following two areas, were invited to apply: minors and communities/groups in disadvantaged situations.

The two organizations selected as winners were:
  • CIAI (Centro Italiano Aiuti all'Infanzia) with the project "Bambine Senza Paura"
  • CIFA Onlus with the project "100% Plastica"
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